jenkins deploy to aws autoscaling

For ease of understanding, we will refer the target-role as execution-role below. Jenkins to automatically spin up Jenkins agents if build abilities 2. Under Authorization, choose Matrix-based security. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. However, in our case, we are utilizing the inherited EC2 instance role. How were Acorn Archimedes used outside education? The AMI uses the Amazon Linux Image as a base image and for provisioning part it uses a simple shell script: The shell script will be used to install the necessary dependencies, packages and security patches: It will install the latest stable version of Jenkins and configure its settings: The second AMI will be used to create the Jenkins workers, similarly to the first AMI, it will be using the Amazon Linux Image as a base image and a script to provision the instance: A Jenkins worker requires the Java JDK environment and Git to be installed. The instances will be created from a launch configuration based on the Jenkins slaves AMI: To leverage the power of automation, we will make the worker instance join the cluster automatically (cluster discovery) using Jenkins RESTful API: At boot time, the user-data script above will be invoked and the instance private IP address will be retrieved from the instance meta-data and a groovy script will be executed to make the node join the cluster: Moreover, to be able to scale out and scale in instances on demand, I have defined 2 CloudWatch metric alarms based on the CPU utilisation of the autoscaling group: Finally, an Elastic Load Balancer will be created in front of the Jenkins masters instance and a new DNS record pointing to the ELB domain will be added to Route 53: Once the stack is defined, provision the infrastructure with terraform apply command: The command takes an additional parameter, a variables file with the AWS credentials and VPC settings (You can create a new VPC with Terraform from here): Terraform will display an execution plan (list of resources that will be created in advance), type yes to confirm and the stack will be created in few seconds: Jump back to EC2 dashboards, a list of EC2 instances will created: In the terminal session, under the Outputs section, the Jenkins URL will be displayed: Point your favorite browser to the URL displayed, the Jenkins login screen will be displayed. This role has permissions to write files to the S3 bucket created by this template and to create deployments in CodeDeploy. Open the private key pair you created in the creating a key pair step and paste in the contents from "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" to "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----". Create a Jenkins Server and AWS CodeDeploy Environment. All that with a push of a button! The k8sPodTemplate.yaml is utilized to specify the kubernetes pod details and the inbound-agent that will be utilized to run the pipeline. Get the jenkins-deployment.yaml file from the gist. We utilized cross-account roles that can restrict unauthorized access across build jobs. Make sure you run AWS configure before running the command below to specify your AWS credentials. In the Schedule text field, type H/2 * * * *. The stack will consist of an autoscaling group of Jenkins workers in a private subnet and a private instance for the Jenkins master sitting behind an elastic load balancer. Tags: The slave nodes will be responsible of running the unit and pre-integration tests, building the Docker image, storing the image to a private registry and deploying a container based on that image to Docker Swarm cluster. By the time you finish this FREE course, you will . I want to push code on AWS EC2 instances (in Autoscaling mode) using Jenkins as soon as new version of code is pushed in GitHub. Well, in this course, I will summarize why you would want to deploy Jenkins as a k8s pod. Make "quantile" classification with an expression. He is currently writing a book on Serverless architecture in AWS, blogs at In this Jenkinsfile, the individual pipeline build jobs will deploy individual microservices. Use SSH to connect to the public DNS name of the EC2 instance for Jenkins (JenkinsServerDNSName from the Outputs tab) and sign in as the ec2-user. Eliminate OSS risk across the entire SDLC. In fact, there is a helm chart version of Jenkins which can be deployed as a K8s pod in k8s cluster. He works with GovCloud customers to build solutions and capabilities as they move to the cloud. Select the AWS Autoscaling group from the drop-down menu and click Create to create a cloud profile. An Auto Scaling group of EC2 instances running Apache and the CodeDeploy agent fronted by an Elastic Load Balancing load balancer. Firstly, navigate to AWS > IAM > Users > Add User. Create a SSH, GitHub and Docker registry credentials. You can use the default VPC. 1. This role allows Jenkins on the EC2 instance to assume the CodeDeployRole and access repositories in CodeCommit. To do so, we will use Packer, which allows you to bake your own image. The solution is built using different AWS services stack including Jenkins on AWS EC2, AWS ASG, VPC,AWS Cloudwatch,AWS SNS, and AWS pipeline services like AWS CodeDeploy, and AWS CodePipeline. Includes the third-party code listed here. If your updates have been successfully pushed to CodeCommit, you should see something like the following: 13. Using a pre-created VPC is also possible through setting the. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. A reverse-proxy (Nginx) runs on master and enforces HTTPS communication (self-signed ssl certificate). This allows us to create a role in one AWS account that delegates specific permissions to another AWS account. Stories from our cloud computing community, CTO & Co-Founder @Tailwarden Maker of and Author Newsletter:, Cooperative vs. Preemptive: a quest to maximize concurrency power, Building A Nearline System For Scale And Performance: Part II, Herding the Elephants: moving data from PostgreSQL to Hive, Inversion of ControlA simple & effective design principle, AWS vs Azure vs Firebase vs Heroku vs NetlifyHow To Choose the Best Platform for Web Projects, Get Started With Maven For Building Java Applications, Choose Git Polling Log to see the results of polling git for updates. AWS Codepipeline is used to establish a workflow from Git to production using Jenkins toincorporate continuous code changes and bug fixes by the development and testing teams. *Note: Join us live and online for the2019 Nexus User Conferenceon June 12. jenkins will run whatever you configure to Jenkins run. CI/CD, To create and configure your security group: Decide who may access your instance. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Creating a key pair helps ensure that the correct form of authentication is used when you install Jenkins. The cluster will be deployed into a VPC with 2 public and 2 private subnets across 2 availability zones. For this tutorial, you will create a security group and add the following rules: Allow inbound SSH traffic from your computers public IP address so you can connect to your instance. In the CodeDeploy console, choose AWS CodeDeploy, and then choose Deployments. Choose Create an account, provide the user name (for example, admin), a strong password,and then complete the user details. Now that you have configured a key pair and security group, you can launch an EC2 instance. How to Deploy a Jenkins Cluster on AWS as Part of a Fully Automate CI/CD Platform. ) When you launch an instance, you can assign it one or more security groups. All rights reserved. eCloudChain has proposed a solution to establish a continuous and automated software development and release processes using : The development environment was completely re-engineered to set up the Gitlab code repository with integration to Jenkins with enabled versioning to initiate a Jenkins build every time the developers commit a change. For example, is a single IP address, while results in a range of 256 IP addresses. In doing so, we can run Jenkins workloads by allowing Amazon EKS to spawn dynamic Jenkins Agent(s) in order to perform application and infrastructure deployment. Setup Jenkins Master Node Inside your AWS Console, click on EC2 Service Then click on Launch Instances Select Amazon Linux 2 AMI 64-bit (x86) Choose t2.micro, Click Next on Configure Instance. Use the ssh command to connect to the instance. Wait for the CloudFormation stack status to change to CREATE_COMPLETE. This role allows Jenkins on the EC2 instance to assume the CodeDeployRole and access repositories in CodeCommit. Kyber and Dilithium explained to primary school students? Then, we create a local role in the Shared Services account and configure credentials within Jenkins to be utilized by the Build Jobs. Cloud Application Architect at Amazon Web Services. Before you connect to your instance, get the public DNS name of the instance using the Amazon EC2 console. SSH) to the slaves can be only initiated from master, i.e. Click here to return to Amazon Web Services homepage. Manual & very slow-paced traditional software release process, Jenkins with a master and slave architecture for automated build and testing, AWS CodeDeloy for application deployment and, AWS CodePipeline for handling end-to-end automated software development and release processes, Jenkins master and slave node architecture are created on AWS EC2 instances with build nodes being part of Autoscaling Group(ASG) in order to ensure the correct number of required build nodes to increase and decrease them dynamically based on the CPU utilization. Microsoft Azure joins Collectives on Stack Overflow. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Sonatype and Sonatype Nexus are trademarks of Sonatype, Inc. Apache Maven and Maven are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation. In the Category pane, expand Connection, expand SSH, and then select Auth. This secret is only accessible by the master's instance (IAM role). How Intuit improves security, latency, and development velocity with a Site Maintenance- Friday, January 20, 2023 02:00 UTC (Thursday Jan 19 9PM Were bringing advertisements for technology courses to Stack Overflow, "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!" Get a personalized demo and get your questions answered from a Sonatype expert. Right-click on the instance you created earlier, and select Terminate. A few months ago, I gave a talk atNexus User Conference 2018on how to build a fully automated CI/CD platform on AWS using Terraform, Packer & Ansible. To find your IP address, use the then, i think, what you need is build a new AMI and then change the autoscaling to use the new AMI. Continuous and Automated development and bug fixing mechanism has speed up the delivery process and improved the time to market and the quality of applications while still providing the full control over build,test and deployment stages. What would be the best practices to make continuous deployments to these scaled EC2 instances maintaining the application's stability? The first step in deploying a web solution on AWS is to create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). The build is executed on Jenkins. Jenkins Configure Nodes and Clouds. You will specify the private key (.pem) file and ec2-user@public_dns_name. Choose Configure Global Security, and then to enable Jenkins security, select the Enable security check box. Note the External ID field displayed on this page. To achieve that, we will use an infrastructure as code tool called Terraform, it allows you to describe your entire infrastructure in templates files. Seamless Continuous Integration and Deployment(CI/CD) was successfully implemented to establish a DevOps culture. How we determine type of filter with pole(s), zero(s)? This tells Jenkins to poll CodeCommit every two minutes for updates. In our case, the name of the namespace is, During the initial setup of Jenkins Manager on kubernetes, there is an environment variable. From the Jenkins Credentials Provider, select SSH Username with private key as the Kind and set the Username to ec2-user. 19. Enter the IAM Role ARN you created earlier for both the ID and IAM Role to use in the field as shown below. AWS CodePipeline is used to configure the automated release process to ensure consistent application releases on the deployment groups production servers. Each push event to the code repository will trigger the Jenkins master which will schedule a new build on one of the available slave nodes. The private subnet can connect to the internet through a NAT server, which is the master's instance in this setup (due to free tier limitations, but ideally it would be a different instance/NAT gateway). Create an IAM role with a common name in each target account. Select Add Rule, and then select Custom TCP Rule from the What does "you better" mean in this context of conversation? Connections (e.g. Refresh the Events tab of the stack until the stack disappears from the stack list. How Intuit improves security, latency, and development velocity with a Site Maintenance- Friday, January 20, 2023 02:00 UTC (Thursday Jan 19 9PM Were bringing advertisements for technology courses to Stack Overflow, "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!" check IP service tool from AWS3 or search for the phrase "what is my IP address" in any search engine. rev2023.1.18.43170. Install all needed plugins (Pipeline, Git plugin, Multi-branch Project, etc). The Final Step is to execute your pipeline and watch the pods spin up dynamically in your terminal. I have divided each component of my infrastructure to a template file. Switch to the DemoRepository directory: 4. The following is an example of the output: Sign in to AWS Management Console, navigate to EC2 Dashboard and click on AMI, 2 new AMIs should be created as below: Now our AMIs are ready to use, lets deploy our Jenkins cluster to AWS. This Jenkins application represents individual pipelines deploying unique microservices that build and deploy to multiple environments in separate AWS accounts. Auto scaling Jenkins nodes. The bucket name will start with jenkinscodedeploy-codedeploybucket. Choose all files in the bucket, and from Actions, choose Delete. Linux Instances. This project sets up an auto-scaling, highly available, and secure Jenkins cluster on AWS using Terraform. Mohamed is a Senior Software Engineer/DevOps - 3x AWS Certified - Scrum Master Certified - #Containers #Serverless #Gopher #Alexa #NLP #DistributedSystems #Android - Blogger & writer at Medium, DZone, Hackernoon & A Cloud Guru - Open Source Contributor (DialogFlow, Jenkins, Docker, Nexus, Telegraf ) - Author of multiple Open Source projects (Komiser, Nexus CLI, Butler, Swaggymnia ). EKS takes care of master nodes. To get started, we will create 2 AMIs (Amazon Machine Image) for our instances. Amazon EC2 associates the public key with the name that you specify as the key name. Target Account: The destination of the CI/CD pipeline deployments. The following is the most up-to-date information related to Use Jenkins and AWS to do Auto Scaling, Auto Deployment. The bootstrapping of master and slaves is performed during the instance startup with cloud-init. The tool that you use to connect to your Linux instance depends on your operating system. For File format, select the format in which to save the private key. how i should create it? On the Review page, select the I acknowledge that this template might cause AWS CloudFormation to create IAM resources check box, and then choose Create. Navigate to the docker/ directory, then execute the command according to the required parameters with the AWS account ID, repository name, region, and the build folder name jenkins-manager/ or jenkins-agent/ that resides in the current docker directory. Use a text editor to edit the index.html file: 8. the master's instance acts as a bastion host. 2023, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. On the project configuration page, under Source Code Management, choose Git. The cross-account IAM role includes a trust policy allowing AWS identities in another AWS account to assume the given role. Enter the unique ID name as shown in the example below. As for the file, two parameters are accepted, and, when executed, it will delete a CloudFormation stack based on the given stack name and region. - Leveraged Terraform for the provisioning of the required infrastructure (EC2, Load Balancer, Auto-Scaling Groups, etc) to have servers up and running on AWS - Spearheaded a Jenkins pipeline . Verify if the build requirements were correctly installed by checking the version. The stack will consists of an autoscaling group of Jenkins workers in a private subnets and a private instance for the Jenkins master sitting behind an elastic Load balancer. In Deployment configuration, choose CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime. As part of the security best practices, we will maintain isolation among multiple apps deployed in these environments, e.g., Pipeline 1 does not deploy to the Pipeline 2 infrastructure. While results in a range of 256 IP addresses k8sPodTemplate.yaml is utilized to run pipeline... 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Walimai Isabel Allende, Articles J

jenkins deploy to aws autoscaling